Programmable Audio Player

This is your ultimate and complete audio player. It is a fully open source, programmable player

USB/RS232 Input Controller – 8 Inputs

The ATE-501 is a modular controller with 8 inputs. It can be controlled via USB or

Proto Board

The ATE-200 Proto Board is an expansion for the Arduino Carrier Board and ATE-600 I/O Controllers. The

Power Supply Board with RS232

The ATE-205/405 is RS232 interface board with FTDI connector, 3.3V regulator and an optional DC-DC converter. The

8-Input Board

The ATE-202 is an input board with 8 protected inputs. The inputs are protected to 30Vdc and

4-Relay Board

The ATE-201 is a board with 4 relays of 5A/250Vac with 1 common contact and 4

Carrier Board for Arduino (Pro) Mini

With this board you will develop and produce your embedded product more easily and quickly. The

Designing a modular embedded system

When you want to make a product with embedded electronics, you always need to design a